Pernahkah terpikirkan kebersihan alat makan yang Anda gunakan untuk anggota keluarga? Nah, tips berikut ini bisa menjadi panduan mudah untuk menghindari ancaman kuman pada alat makan Anda yang justru bisa menjadi tempat bersarangnya bakteri.
1. Perhatikan kualitas spons pencuci piring : para ahli mengatakan, spons pencuci piring merupakan penyumbang kuman terbesar yang mengintai alat makan. Untuk itu, pilihlah jenis spons dengan kualitas terbaik.
2. Pilah pengunaan spons : dalam upaya menjaga kebersihan alat makan. Ada baiknya Anda gunakan beberapa spons. Pisahkan spons untuk mencuci alat masak, piring yang kotor penuh lemak, dan juga gelas.
3. Lihat kondisi spons : meski terlihat mampu membantu membersihkan alat makan dalam waktu yang lama, namun sebaiknya spons diganti maksimal dua minggu sekali. Hal itu bukan tanpa alasan, alat pencuci piring yang hanya diganti setelah rusak, hanya akan memindahkan beragam bakteri pada alat makan Anda tanpa disadari.
4. Perhatikan metode penyimpanannya : Setelah mencucinya, Anda berkewajiban untuk menyimpan alat makan dengan cara yang baik dan benar. Pastikan Anda mengeringkannya dengan kain yang bersih terlebih dahulu. Kemudian simpanlah di tempat yang tertutup, sehingga tidak mudah tercemar debu maupun serangga.
5. Jika alat makan sudah lama tidak dipakai, tidak ada salahnya Anda mencucinya terlebih dahulu sebelum digunakan.
Jumat, 20 April 2012
Ovarian cancer prone women
The women are called upon constantly vigilant chance of developing ovarian cancer. We recommend more frequent checks to the doctor because these diseases do not show early symptoms.
Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist RSCM Jakarta, Prof Farid Aziz, in handling seminar on female reproductive system cancers, in Medan, said about 80 percent of ovarian cancer cases are found already at an advanced stage entrance.
Ovarian cancer symptoms are not specific, so make women neglect. Though ovarian cancer one of the deadliest cancers for women.
This cancer resemble symptoms of common diseases, including symptoms of the disorders of the digestive system and bladder. When cancer is actually being in the ovary, the patient felt the symptoms will usually be more so.
According to him there are some common symptoms that can be suspected as a symptom of cancer and should be examined to see a doctor, such as bloating or fullness.
"Then the section pelvic pain, frequent vomiting and urination, weight loss, headaches and often feel tired, pain in the abdomen, and pain in the lower back," he said.
While Chairman of the Association of Gynaecological Oncology Indonesia (Hogi), Prof. Andrijono, in the same occasion, said that until now have not found the cause of ovarian cancer.
In general, cancer begins when healthy cells mutate genes that alter normal cells into abnormal cells.
"Cancer cells grow and split continuously and uncontrollably. These cancer cells do not die which then form a tumor. Then invade nearby tissues and spread kejaringan else in the body," he said.
He also expects the need to better understand women's health and care to keep the reproductive organs.
Because women have a reproductive system that is not simple, so it is important to be handled by a medical team that has the scientific field of gynecology
Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist RSCM Jakarta, Prof Farid Aziz, in handling seminar on female reproductive system cancers, in Medan, said about 80 percent of ovarian cancer cases are found already at an advanced stage entrance.
Ovarian cancer symptoms are not specific, so make women neglect. Though ovarian cancer one of the deadliest cancers for women.
This cancer resemble symptoms of common diseases, including symptoms of the disorders of the digestive system and bladder. When cancer is actually being in the ovary, the patient felt the symptoms will usually be more so.
According to him there are some common symptoms that can be suspected as a symptom of cancer and should be examined to see a doctor, such as bloating or fullness.
"Then the section pelvic pain, frequent vomiting and urination, weight loss, headaches and often feel tired, pain in the abdomen, and pain in the lower back," he said.
While Chairman of the Association of Gynaecological Oncology Indonesia (Hogi), Prof. Andrijono, in the same occasion, said that until now have not found the cause of ovarian cancer.
In general, cancer begins when healthy cells mutate genes that alter normal cells into abnormal cells.
"Cancer cells grow and split continuously and uncontrollably. These cancer cells do not die which then form a tumor. Then invade nearby tissues and spread kejaringan else in the body," he said.
He also expects the need to better understand women's health and care to keep the reproductive organs.
Because women have a reproductive system that is not simple, so it is important to be handled by a medical team that has the scientific field of gynecology
Raskin distribution in Aceh Besar was right on target
BANDA ACEH - Review Center and Institute for Regional Information (PATTIRO) Aceh state, the distribution of rice of the poor (Raskin) in Aceh Besar district is presumed not to exceed the target due to the division of the quota has been set.
Director PATTIRO Teuku Zulyadi in Banda Aceh, said Wednesday in Aceh Besar Raskin division is divided in turns or equally, so the number of recipients exceeds the quota beneficiaries that have been set by the government.
"That is, the allocation received by the beneficiary households was reduced from the existing quota, because the division Raskin for other recipients," he said.
Director PATTIRO Teuku Zulyadi in Banda Aceh, said Wednesday in Aceh Besar Raskin division is divided in turns or equally, so the number of recipients exceeds the quota beneficiaries that have been set by the government.
"That is, the allocation received by the beneficiary households was reduced from the existing quota, because the division Raskin for other recipients," he said.
In Southeast Aceh farmers failed to harvest
BANDA ACEH - Farmers in Southeast Aceh Regency hundreds of crop failure due to their farms hit by flash floods on Thursday (12/4).
Head of Finance Sub Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Southeast Aceh Regency Revelations Hidayatullah was contacted in Banda Aceh, said the flash floods that hit Bambel Sub-District and Pine Hill resulted in approximately 172 hectares of farmland damaged and result in crop failure.
"Agricultural land owned by people who are ready to harvest it was damaged by flash floods that hit the district in East Aceh," he said.
He cited the failure of agricultural crops are harvested each 40 hectares of maize, 75 hectares of rice fields and 57 hectares of cocoa plantations.
Damage to agricultural land in the three most numerous village or villages in Pine Hill District. Previously, flash floods that hit eight gampong in two districts in the Southeast Aceh resulted in hundreds of residents to flee to safer places.
He said it was Rikit gampong Bur, Harmony, and Sebudidaya, Pine Hill District and Village Peace Love, Yellow Two, Yellow One, and the Green Lawe, Bambel Sub-District.
In addition to crop failures, he said, resulting in flash floods also include 14 houses belonging to residents in the District of Pine Hill brought the flood is gone. Wahyudi added, there is also damage to public facilities such as a school unit, a house of worship, four bridges, state roads, and irrigation of about 2.7 kilometers.
"Estimisasi losses due to floods in Southeast Aceh around Rp12, 6 billion," he said.
He said that data loss is the result delivered by each subdistrict in areas affected by flash floods.
Head of Finance Sub Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Southeast Aceh Regency Revelations Hidayatullah was contacted in Banda Aceh, said the flash floods that hit Bambel Sub-District and Pine Hill resulted in approximately 172 hectares of farmland damaged and result in crop failure.
"Agricultural land owned by people who are ready to harvest it was damaged by flash floods that hit the district in East Aceh," he said.
He cited the failure of agricultural crops are harvested each 40 hectares of maize, 75 hectares of rice fields and 57 hectares of cocoa plantations.
Damage to agricultural land in the three most numerous village or villages in Pine Hill District. Previously, flash floods that hit eight gampong in two districts in the Southeast Aceh resulted in hundreds of residents to flee to safer places.
He said it was Rikit gampong Bur, Harmony, and Sebudidaya, Pine Hill District and Village Peace Love, Yellow Two, Yellow One, and the Green Lawe, Bambel Sub-District.
In addition to crop failures, he said, resulting in flash floods also include 14 houses belonging to residents in the District of Pine Hill brought the flood is gone. Wahyudi added, there is also damage to public facilities such as a school unit, a house of worship, four bridges, state roads, and irrigation of about 2.7 kilometers.
"Estimisasi losses due to floods in Southeast Aceh around Rp12, 6 billion," he said.
He said that data loss is the result delivered by each subdistrict in areas affected by flash floods.
It said the doctor about the blood type diet
Blood type diet. Maybe this diet method already familiar to us all, even perhaps many of you who have been or even was living it. Some people consider it an effective diet to lose weight, but many also stated otherwise.
Well, to know the real facts of the blood type diet, consider the results of an exclusive interview with Tim DuniaFitnes Clinical Nutrition Specialist, Dr. Oetoro Samuel, MS, Sp.GK., below.
Initially Peter J. D'Adamo, ND, author of a book called "Eat Right for Your Type: The Diet Solution to Staying individualized Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight", believe that blood type has an influence on the digestive system and that certain foods good for consumed by people with certain blood type, but so can the food is actually harmful to other blood types.
In his book, D'Adamo explains that the proper diet according to your blood type is determined by a substance called a lectin, a protein in food that can be digested differently by each blood type.
According to D'Adamo, if you consume foods containing lectins incompatible with your blood type, then you can become inflamed, which decreases the body's metabolism, and even diseases such as cancer. Therefore, the best way to avoid the negative impact of this is to eat foods that are good for you, which of course according to your blood type.
Well, because the rising popularity of this diet since the publication of the book D'Adamo, then this time we will explore the methods of this blood type diet completely, from the truth of this diet method, why this diet could be so popular in the community, and whether this diet indeed proved to be effective for weight loss. See explanation nutrition expert, Dr. Oetoro Samuel, MS, Sp.GK., below.
Q: In this method the blood type diet, scientists have studied written that there are many foods that are potentially agglutinate the cells of a particular blood type, so that a food can be harmful to the cells of one blood type, but beneficial to the cells of the other blood groups. How do you think?
A: Actually this blood type diet is something that is controversial. This is because the diet is not based on a research or research that is recognized by the medical world. The study was conducted on two groups of research subjects. The first group was given blood type diet while the second group was given normal diet as usual. Well, given the blood type diet is only based on the experience of the author of the book. In the medical world, a theory based on experience alone is okay to be followed or not followed.
For the current research is still not able to prove the link between food and blood type. However, it is possible if one day will be further examined to see if certain foods can damage the cells in a particular blood type. And this is called the nutrigenomic.
Q: Why is the blood type diet can be popular in society?
A: Basically the most appropriate diet to follow is a balanced diet or a diet with adequate and balanced nutrition. However, it later emerged many different methods are classified as dietary fad diet. This type of diet is a diet of interest or other method than diet generally and usually appears as a marketing strategy course. And the tendency for people you really like something different and exciting, including in the diet method.
Q: In this method the blood type diet, explained that when we consume foods that contain lectins that are not in accordance with the antigen of blood type, the lectins that will lead to the organ or body system, so as to initiate the clotting of blood cells in the region. Is lectin effect as claimed by the diet?
A: Lectins are a type of content in foodstuffs and do not have a very specific effect as mentioned in our bodies. So, no need to worry about the effect of consumption of certain foods for certain blood types.
Q: To lose weight, whether the method of blood type diet has been proven effective?
A: If we apply the blood type diet food intake but we still got a lot more than we exhale through the activity, the body will keep the excess energy so that body weight may remain or even increase. But if we are on a diet and blood type are not aware of our food asaupan so reduced, such as less liked foods that have been determined for our blood type, then the energy that enters the body is reduced and body weight can come down.
Well, now you already know more clearly about the blood type diet, right? Therefore, if you want to lose weight effectively and in a proper and healthy, then the important thing is to supply all the nutrients your body needs a balanced way.
Also, do not forget to adjust your diet and exercise regularly so that weight can be decreased more optimal.
Well, to know the real facts of the blood type diet, consider the results of an exclusive interview with Tim DuniaFitnes Clinical Nutrition Specialist, Dr. Oetoro Samuel, MS, Sp.GK., below.
Initially Peter J. D'Adamo, ND, author of a book called "Eat Right for Your Type: The Diet Solution to Staying individualized Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight", believe that blood type has an influence on the digestive system and that certain foods good for consumed by people with certain blood type, but so can the food is actually harmful to other blood types.
In his book, D'Adamo explains that the proper diet according to your blood type is determined by a substance called a lectin, a protein in food that can be digested differently by each blood type.
According to D'Adamo, if you consume foods containing lectins incompatible with your blood type, then you can become inflamed, which decreases the body's metabolism, and even diseases such as cancer. Therefore, the best way to avoid the negative impact of this is to eat foods that are good for you, which of course according to your blood type.
Well, because the rising popularity of this diet since the publication of the book D'Adamo, then this time we will explore the methods of this blood type diet completely, from the truth of this diet method, why this diet could be so popular in the community, and whether this diet indeed proved to be effective for weight loss. See explanation nutrition expert, Dr. Oetoro Samuel, MS, Sp.GK., below.
Q: In this method the blood type diet, scientists have studied written that there are many foods that are potentially agglutinate the cells of a particular blood type, so that a food can be harmful to the cells of one blood type, but beneficial to the cells of the other blood groups. How do you think?
A: Actually this blood type diet is something that is controversial. This is because the diet is not based on a research or research that is recognized by the medical world. The study was conducted on two groups of research subjects. The first group was given blood type diet while the second group was given normal diet as usual. Well, given the blood type diet is only based on the experience of the author of the book. In the medical world, a theory based on experience alone is okay to be followed or not followed.
For the current research is still not able to prove the link between food and blood type. However, it is possible if one day will be further examined to see if certain foods can damage the cells in a particular blood type. And this is called the nutrigenomic.
Q: Why is the blood type diet can be popular in society?
A: Basically the most appropriate diet to follow is a balanced diet or a diet with adequate and balanced nutrition. However, it later emerged many different methods are classified as dietary fad diet. This type of diet is a diet of interest or other method than diet generally and usually appears as a marketing strategy course. And the tendency for people you really like something different and exciting, including in the diet method.
Q: In this method the blood type diet, explained that when we consume foods that contain lectins that are not in accordance with the antigen of blood type, the lectins that will lead to the organ or body system, so as to initiate the clotting of blood cells in the region. Is lectin effect as claimed by the diet?
A: Lectins are a type of content in foodstuffs and do not have a very specific effect as mentioned in our bodies. So, no need to worry about the effect of consumption of certain foods for certain blood types.
Q: To lose weight, whether the method of blood type diet has been proven effective?
A: If we apply the blood type diet food intake but we still got a lot more than we exhale through the activity, the body will keep the excess energy so that body weight may remain or even increase. But if we are on a diet and blood type are not aware of our food asaupan so reduced, such as less liked foods that have been determined for our blood type, then the energy that enters the body is reduced and body weight can come down.
Well, now you already know more clearly about the blood type diet, right? Therefore, if you want to lose weight effectively and in a proper and healthy, then the important thing is to supply all the nutrients your body needs a balanced way.
Also, do not forget to adjust your diet and exercise regularly so that weight can be decreased more optimal.
Mobile phones affect fetal development
We know handhone have health effects that interfere with the brain due to waves generated phone. What would happen if the same wavelength about the fetus and the baby is still in growth phase?
A study involving 28 000 respondents aged 7 years to ensure the results of previous studies, namely the relationship between exposure to seluar phone with child behavior problems that arise in the future. As many as 10% of participants gain exposure to the waves on the phone seluar utero and post-natal, 30% of participants use their own phone when it has considerable seluarnya. The rest get exposure in utero or during post-natal course, as well as a control. In the study group of mobile phone use in childhood, exposure to mobile phone usage increased gradually to 17% and 35%.
After watching for several years, found that 3% of children have a fundamental problem behavior. They are exposed to mobile phone waves in the utero and post-natal risk for behavioral problems by 50% at age 7 years. This risk decreases to 40% in number of children exposed in utero period and 20% in children who were exposed during post-natal course.
Because research WHO / International Agency for Research on Cancer found no direct link between cancer and mobile phones, following a study only looked at the effects of cellular phones and thermal wave effect on the brain. It was found that low-frequency waves can cause several disorders that can affect the level of concentration and the level of stress a person.
Researchers at the Danish study concluded that mobile phone use during pregnancy may increase the risk of behavioral problems. This risk is further increased when, in infancy, children use their own cell phone.
A study involving 28 000 respondents aged 7 years to ensure the results of previous studies, namely the relationship between exposure to seluar phone with child behavior problems that arise in the future. As many as 10% of participants gain exposure to the waves on the phone seluar utero and post-natal, 30% of participants use their own phone when it has considerable seluarnya. The rest get exposure in utero or during post-natal course, as well as a control. In the study group of mobile phone use in childhood, exposure to mobile phone usage increased gradually to 17% and 35%.
After watching for several years, found that 3% of children have a fundamental problem behavior. They are exposed to mobile phone waves in the utero and post-natal risk for behavioral problems by 50% at age 7 years. This risk decreases to 40% in number of children exposed in utero period and 20% in children who were exposed during post-natal course.
Because research WHO / International Agency for Research on Cancer found no direct link between cancer and mobile phones, following a study only looked at the effects of cellular phones and thermal wave effect on the brain. It was found that low-frequency waves can cause several disorders that can affect the level of concentration and the level of stress a person.
Researchers at the Danish study concluded that mobile phone use during pregnancy may increase the risk of behavioral problems. This risk is further increased when, in infancy, children use their own cell phone.
6 reasons to avoid upset
Anger, although on the one hand considered good for health because it reduces the negative effects of stress, on the other hand can also be harmful to health. The anger is a natural in every human emotion. It's good to vent emotions, but there are also good when we try to control it first.
Alima psychologist Phillip explains some of the harmful effects of anger are not controlled. Not only affect kejiwaaan, anger can also endanger your health.
A. Direct effects to the bodyWhen it lost control, it is our body which receives its direct impact. Instantaneous increase in blood pressure and breathing rhythm became faster, as fast as the middle of preparing for a fight. In some cases, high blood pressure can cause sudden headache. In the long run, may increase the risk of heart attack. When angry, our body temperature goes up so your body perspire easily.
2. TiredExpression of anger would require energy. As a result, after the anger we will feel tired. In the process, it will increase stress hormones seemed to make sense of turmoil. When angry, we may feel in control while, but without realizing it just drained our energy. As a result, productivity in work was reduced due to fatigue.
3. Difficulty sleepingWith so many negative thoughts in the head and the anxiety we feel, it is difficult to falling asleep. When we fall asleep in a state of fatigue caused by angry else, certainly not going to sleep quality. When we sleep with anger, would not be sleeping soundly. The lack of sleep will lead to negative thoughts that will trigger emotions. Furthermore, insomnia and other sleep problems will be coming along with your ongoing emotional feelings.
4. DepressionConstantly keep a sense of anger can lead to depression. That will trigger a series of behaviors that harm health such as smoking and drinking. Sometimes, people use anger to vent feelings of depression and helplessness. Anger is not a natural feeling healthy. Thus, if the continue to be felt, our health would be threatened.
5. IsolatedWe are sometimes able to lose control, but if too serimg will certainly have an impact on the social aspects of our everyday life. We would be more comfortable being alone rather than interact with others. In an office environment, if they do not socialize, our subordinates and superiors will respect the less we will see us as people who can not control your emotions.
6. Made the wrong decisionAnger can make us irrational. We were stuck and lose focus in the face of a problem. In fact, when he should have decided the best thing in the issue, in anger we will probably do the opposite. We were not able to see problems from different perspectives and lead to wrong decisions
Alima psychologist Phillip explains some of the harmful effects of anger are not controlled. Not only affect kejiwaaan, anger can also endanger your health.
A. Direct effects to the bodyWhen it lost control, it is our body which receives its direct impact. Instantaneous increase in blood pressure and breathing rhythm became faster, as fast as the middle of preparing for a fight. In some cases, high blood pressure can cause sudden headache. In the long run, may increase the risk of heart attack. When angry, our body temperature goes up so your body perspire easily.
2. TiredExpression of anger would require energy. As a result, after the anger we will feel tired. In the process, it will increase stress hormones seemed to make sense of turmoil. When angry, we may feel in control while, but without realizing it just drained our energy. As a result, productivity in work was reduced due to fatigue.
3. Difficulty sleepingWith so many negative thoughts in the head and the anxiety we feel, it is difficult to falling asleep. When we fall asleep in a state of fatigue caused by angry else, certainly not going to sleep quality. When we sleep with anger, would not be sleeping soundly. The lack of sleep will lead to negative thoughts that will trigger emotions. Furthermore, insomnia and other sleep problems will be coming along with your ongoing emotional feelings.
4. DepressionConstantly keep a sense of anger can lead to depression. That will trigger a series of behaviors that harm health such as smoking and drinking. Sometimes, people use anger to vent feelings of depression and helplessness. Anger is not a natural feeling healthy. Thus, if the continue to be felt, our health would be threatened.
5. IsolatedWe are sometimes able to lose control, but if too serimg will certainly have an impact on the social aspects of our everyday life. We would be more comfortable being alone rather than interact with others. In an office environment, if they do not socialize, our subordinates and superiors will respect the less we will see us as people who can not control your emotions.
6. Made the wrong decisionAnger can make us irrational. We were stuck and lose focus in the face of a problem. In fact, when he should have decided the best thing in the issue, in anger we will probably do the opposite. We were not able to see problems from different perspectives and lead to wrong decisions
Thirst is not the only sign of dehydration
Dehydration is a condition of loss of water and electrolytes such as sodium, chloride and potassium, necessary for the body to perform its functions and good for health. As quoted from All Women Stalk, a major cause of dehydration is generally because someone does not drink enough water.
Signs you're out of drinking water is sometimes difficult to distinguish from symptoms of other diseases. But if you feel two or more of the following symptoms, you may be dehydrated.
A. Dry mouthIf your mouth feels dry, you may experience a little dehydrated. But keep in mind also that some drugs also cause dry mouth. So if you experience these signs, it may be just a side effect of medication, rather than the actual dehydration.
2. HeadacheDo you often feel a headache? Maybe this is a sign that you are drinking lots of water. Especially, if the headache combined with great fatigue. So, if you have a headache, try drinking water until the pain in your head is missing.
3. Cloudy urine colorTry to check the color of your urine while urinating. If urine is dark yellow or, even worse, dark brown, it means you are dehydrated. Please be sure to drink more water
4. DizzinessDizziness or vertigo is another sign of your lack of drinking water. Dizziness can also be caused by the effects of drugs or drowsiness, but if you feel dizziness and other symptoms such as pain in the back and shoulders, it's a sign you are dehydrated.
5. HungryHunger is a persistent another sign of your lack of drinking water. Before you commit to it, first try to drink a glass of water. If the hunger subsided, it means you are just thirsty.
6. DrowsinessLethargy and sleepiness can be a sign you are not drinking enough water. This way the body slows down to conserve water. As a recommendation, drinking cold water slowly and see if you come back refreshed.
7. Dry skinIf you are already often use skin moisturizer, but still flaky and dry, maybe it is caused by dehydration. Remember, healthy skin is moist skin.
8. Heart rate increasesRapid heart beat and palpitations is one of the most frightening sign of dehydration. Most adults need between about 2 liters of water or more per day depending on activity, weight and height, and lifestyle.
9. ThirstOf course this is the most logical symptoms of dehydration. Drink when you feel thirsty or have not had sufficient daily water needs. However, if you're already drinking enough water, but still thirsty, it could be a sign of diabetes
Signs you're out of drinking water is sometimes difficult to distinguish from symptoms of other diseases. But if you feel two or more of the following symptoms, you may be dehydrated.
A. Dry mouthIf your mouth feels dry, you may experience a little dehydrated. But keep in mind also that some drugs also cause dry mouth. So if you experience these signs, it may be just a side effect of medication, rather than the actual dehydration.
2. HeadacheDo you often feel a headache? Maybe this is a sign that you are drinking lots of water. Especially, if the headache combined with great fatigue. So, if you have a headache, try drinking water until the pain in your head is missing.
3. Cloudy urine colorTry to check the color of your urine while urinating. If urine is dark yellow or, even worse, dark brown, it means you are dehydrated. Please be sure to drink more water
4. DizzinessDizziness or vertigo is another sign of your lack of drinking water. Dizziness can also be caused by the effects of drugs or drowsiness, but if you feel dizziness and other symptoms such as pain in the back and shoulders, it's a sign you are dehydrated.
5. HungryHunger is a persistent another sign of your lack of drinking water. Before you commit to it, first try to drink a glass of water. If the hunger subsided, it means you are just thirsty.
6. DrowsinessLethargy and sleepiness can be a sign you are not drinking enough water. This way the body slows down to conserve water. As a recommendation, drinking cold water slowly and see if you come back refreshed.
7. Dry skinIf you are already often use skin moisturizer, but still flaky and dry, maybe it is caused by dehydration. Remember, healthy skin is moist skin.
8. Heart rate increasesRapid heart beat and palpitations is one of the most frightening sign of dehydration. Most adults need between about 2 liters of water or more per day depending on activity, weight and height, and lifestyle.
9. ThirstOf course this is the most logical symptoms of dehydration. Drink when you feel thirsty or have not had sufficient daily water needs. However, if you're already drinking enough water, but still thirsty, it could be a sign of diabetes
British blacks are less fortunate than the U.S
LONDON - Residents of blacks in Britain have higher chances for the unemployed than blacks in the United States.
This is revealed in research by the UK Social Association, BSA, which is expressed in the opening of the BSA conference in Manchester today.
Based on these studies, in the last three recessions the unemployment rate among adult men and young black adults in the UK could reach 19% higher than unemployment in the United States.
In front of the conference, Professor Yaojun Li of the University of Manchester, presented statistics on unemployment among black women in times of recession the 1980s, the 1990s, and 2011 with a rate of 25%, 26%, and 17% while in the United States 20 %, 12%, and 13%.
Higher unemployment in the third period of recession was also evident among British black man.
"In general, there is greater ethnic inequalities in Britain than in the United States for both sexes," said Professor Li.
"It gave a strong indication that a flexible labor market that is applied in the UK within a few decades does not protect ethnic minorities in the face of a repeat of the recession."
Professor Li believes that affirmative action policies pursued by the U.S. government, including the requirement for government agencies to have a composition corresponding to the employee-managed to reduce the unemployment rate among U.S. blacks.
Among black youth, a similar trend was also seen in the age group 16-24 years mengganggur recession in the UK in 2011 reached 23% while in the United States 22%.
But the difference is two times thinner than the previous recession, which is 27% (1980) and 27% (1990) in England was in the United States 21% (1980) and 17% (1990).
Professor Li added that the reduced difference in unemployment rates of black people in Britain and the United States occurred in all age groups and genders.
This is revealed in research by the UK Social Association, BSA, which is expressed in the opening of the BSA conference in Manchester today.
Based on these studies, in the last three recessions the unemployment rate among adult men and young black adults in the UK could reach 19% higher than unemployment in the United States.
In front of the conference, Professor Yaojun Li of the University of Manchester, presented statistics on unemployment among black women in times of recession the 1980s, the 1990s, and 2011 with a rate of 25%, 26%, and 17% while in the United States 20 %, 12%, and 13%.
Higher unemployment in the third period of recession was also evident among British black man.
"In general, there is greater ethnic inequalities in Britain than in the United States for both sexes," said Professor Li.
"It gave a strong indication that a flexible labor market that is applied in the UK within a few decades does not protect ethnic minorities in the face of a repeat of the recession."
Professor Li believes that affirmative action policies pursued by the U.S. government, including the requirement for government agencies to have a composition corresponding to the employee-managed to reduce the unemployment rate among U.S. blacks.
Among black youth, a similar trend was also seen in the age group 16-24 years mengganggur recession in the UK in 2011 reached 23% while in the United States 22%.
But the difference is two times thinner than the previous recession, which is 27% (1980) and 27% (1990) in England was in the United States 21% (1980) and 17% (1990).
Professor Li added that the reduced difference in unemployment rates of black people in Britain and the United States occurred in all age groups and genders.
68% of women skinned striped Indonesia
Healthy skin with a uniform color is the desire of every woman. However, many Indonesian women who color their skin mottled.
In fact Indonesia 68 percent of women between the ages of 25 to 30 years to have an uneven skin tone. The data obtained from surveys, assisted by Vaseline IndoPacific Edelman Reasearch on 1534 women in four cities - Medan, Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya.
The survey results also revealed that nearly 50 percent of respondents starting to see fine lines around their necks. Another fact also exposed that many women who have dark spots on his body, only 17 percent of respondents who claimed not to have a black spot on his body.
Unfortunately, there are still many women who have no concern over the condition of the skin. Most of the women are more focused than the facial skin care body, when the facts are clearly illustrated that the skin of other body parts also have a problem.
According to Dr. Abraham Arimuko, dermatologist, cause skin problems are due to extrinsic factors such as sunlight, pollution and air conditioning. For skin that should get appropriate treatment, if not get the attention of the skin may experience premature aging.
"Premature skin aging (premature aging of the skin) may occur since we were born, it's because of extrinsic factors. Extrinsic factors can not be avoided, so treatments need to be treated as early as possible, prior to skin problems which make the skin more and more older faster," said Abraham Arimuko.
Physicians who practice at Gatot Subroto Army Hospital was advised to treat the skin with a moisturizer. Women in their 20s should choose a moisturizer that has a more complete formula not only moisturizes and brightens skin. Formulas such as pro retinol and AHA is the content of the right to treat other skin problems, such as fine lines and diminish dark blemishes.
In fact Indonesia 68 percent of women between the ages of 25 to 30 years to have an uneven skin tone. The data obtained from surveys, assisted by Vaseline IndoPacific Edelman Reasearch on 1534 women in four cities - Medan, Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya.
The survey results also revealed that nearly 50 percent of respondents starting to see fine lines around their necks. Another fact also exposed that many women who have dark spots on his body, only 17 percent of respondents who claimed not to have a black spot on his body.
Unfortunately, there are still many women who have no concern over the condition of the skin. Most of the women are more focused than the facial skin care body, when the facts are clearly illustrated that the skin of other body parts also have a problem.
According to Dr. Abraham Arimuko, dermatologist, cause skin problems are due to extrinsic factors such as sunlight, pollution and air conditioning. For skin that should get appropriate treatment, if not get the attention of the skin may experience premature aging.
"Premature skin aging (premature aging of the skin) may occur since we were born, it's because of extrinsic factors. Extrinsic factors can not be avoided, so treatments need to be treated as early as possible, prior to skin problems which make the skin more and more older faster," said Abraham Arimuko.
Physicians who practice at Gatot Subroto Army Hospital was advised to treat the skin with a moisturizer. Women in their 20s should choose a moisturizer that has a more complete formula not only moisturizes and brightens skin. Formulas such as pro retinol and AHA is the content of the right to treat other skin problems, such as fine lines and diminish dark blemishes.
Internet more trusted than doctors
Known, 1 in 4 women have been buying the wrong drug after diagnosing the disease itself via the internet. Then found as many as 1 in 10 women bear the side effects.
Not a few women who self-diagnose via the internet and then buy the drug without discussing it first with your pharmacist whether it is correct.
One in 10 women said they were hesitant to discuss health issues with family because they do not want too much fuss, while a third said they would prefer to find information on the internet before it went to the doctor. A quarter said they were afraid to talk to your doctor.
A third said they waited at least two weeks with medical problems before talking to your doctor, while one in 20 women have spent more than a year before the symptoms, seek medical help.
Terumum symptoms that encourage women to self diagnose the sleep problems, headaches, and depression. Meanwhile, muscle pain, itching, and fatigue are usually made of women consulted with Dr. Google.
One-fifth of women had been diagnosed as having ulcers, high blood pressure, or asthma. The survey was conducted on 1,000 women, and held by Balance Activ, a brand of women's health.
Wanita malas olahraga
Temuan yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Preventive Medicine menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata, wanita hanya melakukan olahraga selama 18 menit setiap hari. Sementara pria melakukan olahraga lebih dari 30 menit.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan melibatkan lebih dari 1.000 peserta yang berpartisipasi dalam survei pusat pengendalian dan pencegahan penyakit pada tahun 2005 hingga 2006.
Masing-masing peserta dipakaikan sebuah alat, bernama accelerometer di bagian pinggang mereka, untuk mengetahui pergerakan peserta, selama empat hari.
Menurut profesor psikologi sosila dari Oregon State University, Bradley Kardinal, menuturkan bahwa secara keseluruhan peserta wanita dalam penelitian ini memiliki gaya hidup sehat dibandingkan pria, seperti tidak merokok. Namun, karena mereka kurang melakukan aktivitas fisik, wanita lebih berisiko mengalami sindrom metabolik.
Jumat, 13 April 2012
Teh hijau, obat kuat alami
Teh hijau kaya akan antioksidan, yang biasa dikenal dengan flavonoid. Teh hijau bermanfaat untuk memperlambat proses penuaan dan membantu mencegah jenis kanker tertentu. Selain itu, minum teh hijau secara rutin juga membantu menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, melawan hepatitis dan mencegah kebotakan.
Namun, penelitian terbaru menemukan manfaat lain teh hijau. Teh hijau mampu meningkatkan kadar hormon seks, sehingga membantu Anda lebih tahan lama untuk bercinta dibandingkan sebelumnya.
Penelitian kecil yang dilakukan oleh tim ilmuwan dari University of Washington melakukan penelitian terhadap enam pasangan. Setiap pasangan diminta untuk minum tiga cangkir teh hijau setiap hari selama 10 minggu.
Pasangan yang secara teratur minum teh hijau dilaporkan memiliki sesi seks yang lebih lama. Energi dan stamina saat berhubungan seks meningkat sekitar 24 persen.
Peneliti menyarankan untuk minum tiga cangkir teh hijau setiap hari, tapi tidak menambahkan susu dan gula, agar lebih tahan lama di atas ranjang.
Ini lho penyebab Mr P ‘patah’
Anda percaya dengan karma? Percaya ataupun tidak, sebuah penelitian membuktikan bahwa perselingkuhan yang dilakukan pria bisa menjadi bumerang bagi diri mereka, atau lebih tepatnya bagi salah satu organ tubuh yang paling mereka banggakan. Menurut Dr. Andrew Kramer, seorang urologist dari University of Maryland Medical Center seperti dilansir msnbc, perselingkuhan pria yang dilakukan setelah menikah akan meningkatkan risiko penis patah.
Bagaimana Penis Bisa 'Patah'?
Facture penis atau penis 'patah' adalah cedera yang terjadi pada penis yang sedang mengalami ereksi. Istilah 'patah' yang biasanya terjadi pada tulang sebenarnya tidak tepat dialamatkan pada penis yang tidak memiliki tulang. 'Patah' penis yang dimaksud adalah robeknya atau rusaknya fibrous membrane yang biasa disebut tunica albuginea. Bagian tersebut adalah bagian yang mengelilingi jaringan tisu di tengah penis.
'Patah'nya penis biasanya diikuti oleh pendarahan, pembengkakan dan hilangnya ereksi. Laporan mengenai kejadian penis yang patah sangat jarang terjadi dan dilaporkan. Hal itu disebabkan karena rasa malu yang biasanya mendera para pria korban penis patah. Bahkan pada penelitian terdahulu, sangat sedikit yang membahas kejadian ini. Karena itulah Dr. Kramer melakukan sebuah penelitian untuk mengetahui penyebabnya.
Selingkuh Akrobatik = Penis Patah!
Kramer mempelajari 16 kasus korban penis patah yang dirawat di University of Maryland Hospital antara tahun 2004 hingga 2011, laporan ini ditulis dalam Journal of Sexual Medicine. 13 dari 16 pria tersebut mengaku bahwa mereka telah menikah dan berselingkuh saat mengalami penis patah. Mereka mengaku berhubungan seksual di tempat tak biasa, seperti kamar mandi, mobil, bahkan lift kantor. Ouch!
Dalam kondisi perselingkuhan tak biasa tersebut, seringkali hubungan seksual terjadi dengan terburu-buru dan menggunakan posisi yang tidak biasa alias 'akrobatik', Sehingga risiko penis patah semakin besar. "Semua faktor ini bisa membuat seseorang kurang mampu melindungi penis dari gerakan terburu-buru yang tak terduga sehingga mengarah pada penis yang patah," ujar Dr. Kramer. "Jika Anda berpikir untuk melakukan hubungan seksual secara akrobatik, hati-hati!" tutupnya.
Rahasia si “dewi seks’
Mencuri bukanlah tindakan terpuji untuk dilaksanakan. Tapi “rahasia” dari Sex Goddess berikut sepertinya sangat layak Anda curi untuk mendapatkan sesi bercinta yang spektakuler di ranjang. So ladies, bersiaplah untuk gencatan orgasme yang akan terus-menerus menghiasi sesi istimewa Anda!
Goddess Says... All About Teasing
Every man loves to be teased! Menurut sex goddess, pakailah manuver ini untuk menstimulasi hasrat bercinta si dia selama sesi foreplay. Agar makin panas, goda dia dengan menghisap salah satu jarinya dari atas ke bawah layaknya melakukan sesi oral. Arahkan juga tangannya di antara bukit kembar Anda dengan perlahan sambil berkata, “Do you want more, baby?” Percayalah, aksi ini akan menghasilkan tatapan memohon dari pasangan untuk segera memulai sesi bercinta.
Goddess Says... Step on the Breaks-Twice
Prinsip wajib bagi para sex goddess: make him begging you more and more! Lancarkan sesi oral yang tak biasa – tambahkan es batu, whipped cream, atau lumeran cokelat sebagai “alat bantu”. Saat pasangan mulai terhanyut, hentikan untuk beberapa detik! Alihkan perhatiannya dengan memainkan jemari Anda di sekitar dada, perut, lalu remas bola kembarnya, dan tuntaskan permainan dengan memberi full service yang ahhh-mazing! Psst... aksi “on and off” ini juga bisa Anda lakukan saat penetrasi langsung lho...
Goddess Says... Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Bagi sex goddess, melakukan posisi seks yang itu-itu saja jelas tak bisa dibiarkan. Untuk urusan ranjang, tak ada salahnya Anda menjadi lebih egois jika ingin mendapatkan the big O. Ajak pasangan untuk mencoba posisi bercinta yang selama ini belum pernah dilakukan. Selain merasa tertantang, deep down inside, para pria justru akan lebih mudah turned on dengan wanita yang mau mengambil inisiatif di setiap sesi bercinta. Keuntungannya, si dia jadi lebih inovatif dalam beraksi dan Anda pun akan dengan mudah mencapai kepuasan. Double the pleasure!
Goddess Says... Maximize Your Body
Menurut survei Cosmo, 8 dari 10 pria mengaku bahwa hal terseksi menurut mereka adalah menonton aksi solo Anda. So, tak ada salahnya jika Anda mengikat kedua tangannya dan menari striptease di depannya. Lanjutkan dengan permainan di area “the girls” dan remaslah dengan penuh nafsu. Setelahnya, turun ke area Miss V dan mainkan tangan Anda di sekitar klitoris. Saat sudah tak mampu lagi menahan libido, segera saja sambar vibrator yang sudah tersaji manis di samping Anda. Ingin buat si dia semakin menggeliat liar? Tambahkan desahan kenikmatan di tengah aksi barusan. Oh, you really are a sex goddess, honey!
Goddess Says... Pleasure Toys
Mengambil beberapa items untuk dijadikan aksesori dalam aksi ranjang Anda justru akan membuat gairah si dia kian melesat lho. The wilder, the better! Saran Cosmo: Sembari memberikan servis oral, pukul bokong pasangan dengan spatula, atau meniup ujung sedotan ke arah Mr P. Aksi Anda barusan dijamin akan membuat pasangan segera mengibarkan bendera putih tanda tak mampu bertahan lagi untuk menyantap “menu” utama dari Anda.
Goddess Says... Do the Unexpected Things
Syarat lain untuk menjadi pemeran utama dalam sesi bercinta adalah memiliki tingkat kreativitas tinggi dan sisi liar yang unpredictable. Maksimalkan body contact selama penetrasi untuk membuatnya semakin ketar-ketir. Sentuhan kulit dengan kulit bisa menambah atmosfer keintiman lho. Saat ia menerkam Anda dengan posisi misionaris, daratkan tangan Anda di kepalanya, bermain dengan rambut tipisnya, atau remas bokongnya sebagai tanda kenikmatan. Arahkan juga tangannya ke dua bukit kembar saat ia memasuki Anda dari belakang.
Makanan ini buat Anda seksi
Usaha keras untuk mendapatkan tampilan yang seksi boleh saja. Tapi seksi tidak saja dilihat dari tubuh biola yang Anda hasilkan dari gym. Kulit juga bisa memancarkan kadar keseksian seseorang. Justru menjadi daya tarik tersendiri, saat kulit terlihat berkilau dan sehat. Biasanya Anda akan memborong produk perawatan kulit yang memberikan iming- iming untuk menghasilkan kulit cantik, tapi apakah Anda juga mengimbanginya dari dalam tubuh dengan mengkonsumsi makanan benar?
Seperti di kutip dari, beberapa jenis makan berikut sangat dianjurkan untuk kulit yang menakjubkan.
1. Yoghurt
Para konsultan dan ahli diet sangat menyarankan agar Anda memasukkan yoghurt dalam menu sehari- hari. Selain kandungan proteinnya yang bagus, asam amino pada susu fermentasi ini sangat ampuh untuk menyingkirkan lingkaran hitam pada areal mata. Menurut penulis buku Return To Beauty, Narine Nikogosian, konsumsi yoghurt pada pagi hari membuat mata lebih segar, meskipun Anda harus lembur malam harinya.
2. Kacang merah
Kacang merah ini membuat kulit menjadi tampak sehat dan kencang. Jadi jika Anda menginginkan kulit yang terawat, coba tambahkan kacang merah pada menu salad untuk sarapan, tambahkan sedikit garam untuk menambah rasa, dan minyak zaitun yang juga baik untuk kulit. Jennifer Wider, MD, seorang ahli kesehatan, pada sebuah wawancara di Cosmo Radio mengatakan bahwa kacang merah dan jenis kacang lainnya banyak mengandung protein, zat besi, dan biotin yang dibutuhkan kulit dan mengurangi kerontokan rambut.
3. Seledri
Mungkin beberapa dari Anda tidak menyukai sayuran hijau ini karena rasanya, meskipun seledri ini hanya digunaknan sebagai garnis pada hidangan koktail. Mulai sekarang coba seledri ini sedikit demi sedikit. Saat kita mengunyahnya, produksi air liur akan meningkat, dan ternyata zat pada daun seledri ini dapat mematikan kuman- kuman di mulut. Pasti Anda lebih percaya diri!
4. Air
Sudah bukan rahasia lagi kalau H2O yang terdapat pada air sangat bagus untuk menghasilkan kulit cantik. Menurut ahli diet, Glassman Keri, yang juga menulis Slim Calm Sexy Diet, air juga bisa membuat tubuh menjadi lebih seksi saat Anda menjalani program diet. Jika kandungan air dalam tubuh tercukupi, maka metabolisme juga akan berlangsung baik sehingga tubuh cepat langsing dengan kulit yang tidak bergelambir. Anda juga bisa menambahkan sedikit perasan lemon agar rasanya lebih menggoda.
5. Tiram
Jenis kerang ini sebelumnya lebih kondang dengan khasiat zinc- nya untuk meningkatkan gairah seks. Padahal kerang juga memberi manfaat untuk kecantikan kulit wajah. Mereka yang rentan pada jerawat, sangat disarankan untuk mengkonsumsi tiram. Kerang ini dapat mengontrol peoduksi minyak berlebih pada kulit.
6. Brokoli
Merencanakan berakhir pekan dengan pasangan? Coba makan malam bersama dengan menu brokoli yang sarat dengan antioksidan dan vitamin C. Kedua kandungan ini, selain ampuh untuk kecantikan kulit juga membantu meningkatkan sirkulasi darah. Keuntungan lainnya, sayur berserat tinggi ini juga dapat memberikan rangsangan hormon seks bagi Anda dan pasangan.
7. Paprika merah
Jika menginginkan kulit super, mulai sekarang Anda harus mulai menggilai buah antioksidan ini. Menurut American Journal of Nutrition Clinicial, sebuah penelitian menyatakan bahwa seseorang yang banyak mengkonsumsi sumber antioksidan dan vitamin C memiliki kulit yang lebih indah dibandingkan dengan yang lainnya.
8. Wortel
Tidak perlu lagi takut untuk melakukan aktivitas di luar ruangan, saat Anda lupa mengoleskan krim anti UV. Bahkan jika harus duduk ber jam- jam di bawah sinar matahari. Cara paling tepat untuk menangkal efek buruk adalah kekebalan dari dalam tubuh. Wortel merupakan sayuran terbaik untuk melindungi sensitifitas kulit dari bahaya sinar UV.
9. Salmon
Cara lain untuk tampil seksi adalah dengan memancarkan aura baik dari dalam. Salmon yang mengadung omega 3 dapat membantu melawan stress dan menjadikan suasana hati lebih rileks.
Awas Miss V bisa masuk angin
Saat bercinta, gerakan keluar masuk sering disertai hembusan udara dari dalam Miss V hingga suaranya terdengar berisik. Salah satu pemicunya adalah terlalu sering dan terburu-buru saat berganti posisi, sehingga banyak udara terperangkap.
Keluarnya udara dari Miss V yang sedang ‘masuk angin’ tentu mengganggu keintiman saat berhubungan seks, karena suara berisik yang ditimbulkannya dapat merusak mood. Meski bagi sebagian orang tidak terlalu mengganggu, namun umumnya kondisi ini bisa dicegah.
Seorang pakar kesehatan seksual dari Medscape, Scott G Chudnoff mengungkap bahwa udara bisa masuk saat introitus atau jalan masuk menuju Miss V terbuka terlalu lebar. Pemicunya ada banyak faktor, salah satunya kelainan seperti prolaps dasar panggul.
Pemicu lainnya yang lebih sering dialami pasangan suami istri adalah terlalu sering ganti posisi di tengah-tengah aktivitas bercinta. Dalam kondisi terangsang, introitus cenderung merenggang lebih lebar sehingga udara akan masuk ketika penis dicabut.
Terkadang karena terburu-buru, penis segera dimasukkan lagi sebelum Miss V merapat dan mengeluarkan sisa udara yang menggisi rongga di dalamnya. Akibatnya banyak udara yang terjebak di dalam, lalu keluar sedikit demi sedikit saat penetrasi hingga bunyinya terdengar berisik.
Untuk mencegah masuknya udara maupun mengurangi suara berisik pada Miss V yang terlanjur ‘masuk angin’, dr Chudnoff memberikan beberapa tips sebagai berikut :
1. Beri jeda saat ganti posisi
Seperti yang telah disampaikan sebelumnya, rongga di dalam Miss V akan cenderung merenggang dalam kondisi terangsang. Ketika penis dicabut untuk berganti posisi, Miss V butuh waktu sejenak untuk merapatkan dinding-dindingnya sekaligus mengeluarkan udara yang mungkin ada di dalamnya.
2. Ganti posisi tanpa melepas penis dari Miss V
Jika memungkinkan, lakukan pergantian posisi tanpa melepas penis dari cengkeraman Ms V sehingga tidak ada kesempatan bagi udara untuk masuk mengisi ruangan kosong di dalamnya. Cara ini masih mudah dilakukan saat berganti posisi dari man on top menjadi woman on top atau sebaliknya, namun akan terasa sulit jika pergantian posisinya lebih ekstrem misalnya dari missionary ke doggy style.
3. Penetrasi dangkal
Tekanan di dalam rongga Miss V akan semakin besar jika penis dimasukkan terlalu dalam, sebab ruangan yang tersisa semakin sempit dan udara yang terjebak akan berebutan untuk keluar. Dengan penetrasi yang dangkal, tekanan akan berkurang dan keluarnya udara bisa lebih lancar.
4. Memperlambat gerakan keluar-masuk
Gerakan yang lebih pelan akan membuat udara di dalam rongga Miss V keluar lebih pelan, sehingga tidak menimbulkan bunyi berisik. Secara bertahap, frekuensi gerakan keluar-masuk bisa ditingkatkan jika sekiranya udara yang terjebak di dalam sudah berkurang atau habis sama sekali.
77 tips seks super panas
1. BBM si dia sekarang. Katakan begini: "Menu malam ini: kamu, aku, whipped cream".
2. Agar terlihat beda, kenakan wig saat bercinta. Sensasi seks dengan 'orang asing' bikin atmosfer jadi makin hot, hot, hot.
3. Bantu pasangan mencuci mobil di akhir pekan. Kenakan kaus putih polos. Tanpa bra.
4. Saat ia sedang menyetir, sentuh lututnya. Aksi ini memberi getaran instan, seperti mengatakan 'hai' pada Mr Happy.
5. Dan setelah ia memarkirkan mobil di garasi, kenapa harus buru-buru turun? Lompat ke atas pangkuannya untuk sesi quickie.
6. Jangan cepat-cepat memberikan lidah pada saat berciuman. Rapatkan bibir, buat ia berusaha keras untuk masuk ke dalam.
7. Ciuman ekstra panas sebenarnya mirip blowjob. Gelitik ujung lidahnya dengan lidah Anda, bergerak naik turun, lalu isap.
8. Sebelum menundukkan kepala untuk servis oral, jilat bibir Anda. Ia bisa merasakan kalau di mata Anda, penisnya adalah cheese cake.
9. Saat Mr. Happy berada di dalam mulut Anda, bergumamlah. Vibrasi membuat pasangan mengerjap penuh kenikmatan.
10. Julurkan lidah Anda sampai datar, jadikan alas untuk menepuk-nepuk alat tempurnya.
11. Beri perhatian pada frenulum, titik sensitif, di mana 'kepala' penis bertemu dengan 'batang'. Usapkan ibu jari Anda di sana.
12. Cosmo dapat tip ini dari pria: Taruh semua 'paketnya' di dalam mulut Anda, kemudian hisap, seolah Anda sedang minum segelas milkshake dengan sedotan.
13. Sementara posisi oral terbaik versi pria: ia berlutut di ujung ranjang, sementara Anda melakukannya dengan berbaring telungkup. Karena ia bisa melihat tubuh Anda.
14. Ketika ia 'memasuki' Anda, buat suara bak orang terkejut . Ia kontan merasa Anda sudah lama menantikannya.
15. Kalau mau buat foreplay sedikit lebih juicy. Ia memeras buah jeruk di atas tubuh Anda kemudian jilat, jilat dan jilat.
16. Kalau mau buat foreplay sedikit lebih yummy. Kepitkan permen lolipop di area sekitar klitoris, lalu jilat, jilat dan jilat.
17. Biarkan ia menonton Anda menyentuh tubuh Anda sendiri. Kalau Anda merasa kikuk, ganti cahaya lampu dengan lilin temaram.
18. Yang jauh lebih penting lagi, pastikan ia pernah melihat Anda bermain-main dengan bukit kembar Anda.
19. Kenakan jeans ketat, kemudian minta ia menyentuh daerah sekitar Miss Cheerful. Sensasinya menyebar ke seluruh tubuh.
20. Semua punya lagi rock n roll favorit. Putar kencang, dan lihat bagaimana Bon Jovi bisa memberikan sesi ranjang terintens yang pernah Anda rasakan.
21. Sementara Anda beraksi di atasnya, tahan kedua tangannya di sisi kepala Anda. Pria bilang aksi ini bikin mereka merasa terdominasi. Which is good.
22. Daripada berlutut saat menunggangi dia, berjongkoklah dengan kedua kaki di sisi pinggulnya. Kecepatan penetrasi pun ada di tangan Anda.
23. Kenapa pria suka woman on top? Bukit kembar yang bergerak naik turun. Maka ingat baik-baik mantranya: Bounce, bounce, bounce!
24. Oleskan lubrikan pada Mr. Happy, naik ke pangkuan pasangan, lalu bergoyanglah ke atas dan ke bawah tanpa membiarkannya masuk ke dalam.
25. Coba permainan ini: ketika lidahnya bertemu miss Cheerful, minta si dia menuliskan kata-kata seksi untuk Anda tebak.
26. Sertakan vibrator dalam sesi bercinta. Sebelum memulai, tempel 'BFF' Anda ini pada lututnya, naik ke paha atas, dan buat lingkaran di sekitar celananya.
27. Sembari ia 'menyantap' Miss Cheerful, masukkan vibrator, posisikan ke arah pusar. Ada G-spot Anda di sana, dan kombinasi ini berbuah orgasme maksimal.
28. Mau ia lebih lama di bawah? Gambar angka delapan di punggungnya dengan jari Anda. Kadang lembut, kadang sedikit ditekan.
29. Posisi misionaris, taruh kedua kaki Anda di bahunya. Bokong Anda otomatis terangkat, membuatnya lebih mudah menyentuh G-Spot.
30. Ketika ia berada di atas Anda, angkat bokong dan kencangkan otot paha untuk orgasme lebih intens.
31. Sesekali, kenakan boxer-nya saat bercinta. Kain memberikan ekstra gelitik pada ujung alat tempurnya.
32. Manfaatkan vibrating ring. Bila diletakkan di dasar Mr. Happy, getaran yang disebabkan akan menyentuh setiap inci dari klitoris Anda.
33. Biarkan ia menyantap makanan ekstra pedas. Cabai bukan cuma bikin panas mulutnya, tapi juga alat tempurnya.
34. Minta si dia menghisap putting Anda. Lalu, tiup.
35. Taruh body lotion di antara paha dalam Anda. Lalu gesek-gesekkan Mr Happy di area tersebut.
36. Sekali-kali, jangan mengeluarkan suara apapun selama bercinta. Tapi ketika Anda orgasme, mengeranglah sekencang mungkin.
37. Ada sebotol bir di depan Anda? Tatap matanya, lalu jilat leher botol perlahan-lahan. Ia pasti histeris.
38. Saat ia masih berada di dalam, minta ia memutar pinggulnya . Setiap inci dari Anda pasti tersentuh.
39. Ia sedang berbicara di telepon? Peluk dari belakang, remas Mr. Happy, lalu melangkahlah pergi seolah tak pernah terjadi apa-apa.
40. Punya lip balm yang mengandung mint? Oleskan pada kedua putting si dia. Saksikan reaksinya.
41. Taruh dua handuk kecil di dalam kulkas. Ini bisa menjadi refreshment sempurna seusai bercinta.
42. Oleskan massage oil di area payudara. dengan begini, Anda bisa meluncur ke atas dan ke bawah di atasnya dengan leluasa.
43. Doggy style di kamar mandi. Anda bertumpu pada wastafel. Jaga kontak mata lewat cermin.
44. Putting bukan satu-satunya area sensitif di payudara! Kulit di bawahnya juga tak kalah sensasional.
45. Katakan Anda butuh pinjam uang kecil. Masukkan tangan dalam kantong celananya, lalu sentuh Mr, Happy seolah tak sengaja. Tatap matanya, lempar senyuman nakal.
46. Awali sesi bercinta dengan rambut diikat menjadi ekor kuda. Saat Anda berada di atasnya, lepas ikatannya lalu putar kepala Anda bak rock star.
47. Untuk blowjob, cukup turunkan celananya sampai betis. Celana yang setengah terpakai membuatnya merasa tak berkuasa.
48. Pegang Mr. Happy dengan satu tangan, lalu mainkan lidah Anda dengan cepat pada ujungnya.
49. Anda suka hot dog? Letakkan penisnya di antara kedua telapak tangan Anda, lalu tiup udara pada bagian yang tidak tertutupi
50. Woman on top, mainkan jemari pada area di mana abs bertemu dengan pinggulnya. Supersensitif!
51. Jilat tepi luar telinganya. Bisikkan "Dari tadi aku sudah tidak sabar mau melakukan ini".
52. Ketika ia memberikan servis oral, arahkan tangannya untuk memijat bokong Anda. Kombinasi ini dipercaya bisa melepas stres.
53. Miss Cheerful tak harus selalu dijilat. Coba kecup perlahan
54. Remas bola-bolanya setelah orgasme. Ia akan mendapatkan sexy aftershock.
55. Kalau doggy style bisa dilakukan dengan menggoyang pinggul depan belakang, ubah jadi kanan kiri. Banyak spot baru yang tersentuh.
56. Handjob yang baik sebenarnya seperti membuka toples. Letakkan satu tangan di bawah, lalu putar tangan satunya di bagian atas.
57. Anda boleh kok, mencubit putingnya mendekati klimaks.
58. Gosok-gosokkan kedua tangan sebelum menyentuh rudalnya.
59. Katup bibir Anda serapat mungkin saat melakukan servis oral
60. Minta pasangan mengikat kedua tangan Anda. Lalu bilang "Kamu punya sepuluh menit untuk 'menyiksa' saya dengan kebahagiaan".
61. Dalam posisi misionaris, silangkan kedua kaki lalu letakkan di dada pasangan. Anda pasti bertanya-tanya, "Wow, penisnya membesar?"
62. Lingkarkan kalung mutiara di sekeliling Mr. Happy, gerakan dari atas ke bawah. Tapi perlahan, ya.
63. Teguk sparkling water dingin, angkat kepala Anda, dan tahan airnya di belakang kerongkongan lalu beri dia blowjob.
64. Tuangkan sedikit champagne ke atas Mr Happy. Kemudian kejar tetesannya dengan lidah Anda.
65. Bahkan ladies, Anda bisa memasukkan donat atau bagel di tengahnya. Apa? Sudah ditaruh? Ok, selamat menikmati.
66. Setiap kali menjilat 'batangnya', segera tiupkan udara di bagian yang basah.
67. Kenakan ikat pinggang saat Anda menunggangi pasangan. Ia bisa menariknya agar Anda bisa melompat lebih lincah. Yeehaw.
68. Letakkan ujung rudalnya di kedua bibir, seolah-olah Anda sedang mengoleskan lipstik.
69. Lakukan 69 tidak berbaring bertumpukan, tapi bersebelahan.
70. Oleskan pleasuring gel pada klitoris Anda. Sensasi yang diberikan akan membuat The Big O dua kali lipat lebih... oh my gosh!
71. Set alarm jam 3 pagi. Bangunkan untuk sesi quickie.
72. Tahu apa yang lebih memuaskan dari memasukkan jari pasangan ke dalam Miss Cheerful? Melakukannya bersamaan dengan jari Anda.
73. Cobalah bercinta di dalam bathub tanpa air.
74. Ketika klimaks menghampiri, segera bertukar posisi.
75. Kalau ia punya kabar baik soal pekerjaan, jangan cuma ucapkan selamat. Tambahkan, "Kamu layak dapat hadiah! Blowjob semalaman?"
76. Biarkan ia 'selesai' di bukit kembar. He loves that.
77. Selepas orgasme, kenapa buru-buru berpisah dengan Mr Happy? Biarkan tinggal sejenak, lalu kencangkan otot vagina Anda. Ia pasti berkata, "Ronde dua,
‘Sex toys’ bisa rusak Miss V
Usia pernikahan yang sudah cukup lama, bisa saja meredupkan percikan asmara di antara pasangan suami istri. Berbagai masalah menerpa, ditambah kesibukan mengurus anak dan pekerjaan masing-masing, disinyalir menjadi pemicu aksi ranjang terasa kurang “menggigit”.
Kalau sudah begini, banyak pasutri membenahi kualitas keintimannya di ranjang dengan berbagai cara, mulai eksplorasi beragam gaya bercinta Kamasutra, menonton blue film bersama, bahkan melakukan pertunjukkan khusus sebelum ajang bercinta dimulai.
Tapi, tak sedikit pasangan yang memasukkan komponen seks saat sanggama. Kondom, sex toys, ataupun berbagai jenis lubrikasi disinyalir bisa menambah kenikmatan seks. Tak hanya menambah sensasi seksual terasa berbeda, namun juga bisa membuat pastutri betah berlama-lama di ranjang.
Dari mulai vibrator, sampai dengan kondom berbentuk cincin dengan gerigi, memang bisa membuat foreplay Anda dan pasangan kian “panas”. Manfaat lainnya, bagi kaum pria, mereka bisa penetrasi lebih lama sehingga memungkinkannya meraih multiorgasme.
Tapi, apakah sex toys bisa membuat Anda ketagihan? Pada awalnya keberadaan sex toys tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengganti peran pasangan dan hanya diibaratkan sebagai menu pembuka pergumulan. Namun, tak menutup kemungkinan penggunaan sex toys malah dapat menimbulkan masalah pada kesehatan alat vital.
“Vagina bisa rusak dengan pemakaian sex toys secara terus menerus. Kondisi bagian dalam vagina bisa rusak,” ujar dr. Hendro Sudarpo, Sp.OG, Obstetrician-Gynaecologist Siloam Hospital.
Tak hanya sampai disitu saja masalah akibat penggunaan sex toys yang terlalu sering pada pasutri. Masalah psikologis pun bisa muncul beriringan dengan masalah kesehatan. “Bila digunakan terlalu sering dapat mengubah perilaku seks jadi menyimpang. Dan ini menyebabkan juga ketergantungan,” jelas dr Hendro.
Apa arti mimpi basahmu?
Pernahkah Anda bermimpi melakukan hubungan intim bukan bersama pasangan? Jika jawabannya ya, bukan berarti Anda ingin berselingkuh.
Mimpi biasanya menandakan apa yang terjadi jauh di dalam jiwa. "Jika memerhatikan, ada yang bisa kita pelajari dari mimpi," ungkap terapis pernikahan Sharon Gilchrest O'Neill, penulis "A Short Guide to a Happy Marriage".
Berikut beberapa mimpi seks yang paling umum dan arti dibaliknya, seperti dilansir ivillage:
Atasan atau Rekan Kerja
Hanya karena bermimpi bercinta dengan atasan, tak berarti ingin melakukannya. Pakar mimpi Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, penulis "Cracking Dream Codes" mengatakan, "Mimpi ini menandakan Anda ingin menjadi seorang yang lebih tegas dan berwibawa dalam kehidupan pribadi."
Bercinta dengan rekan kerja adalah mimpi yang juga umum terjadi. "Banyak dari kita yang bermimpi berhubungan intim dengan seorang rekan kerja yang tidak pernah bekerja sama dengannya," ujar Loewenberg. Mimpi ini menandakan, ada sesuatu di diri rekan kerja yang Anda inginkan ada dalam diri, ia menambahkan.
Mantan Pasangan
Mimpi ini menjadi salah satu cara otak untuk menyelesaikan emosi yang dialami, terutama bila bukan Anda yang menginginkan perpisahan. Tapi bermimpi lebih sering, itu bisa menjadi isu dalam hubungan Anda saat ini.
"Anda akan menemukan mantan kekasih akan muncul dalam mimpi saat hubungan yang dijalani sekarang berubah jadi rutinitas," kata Loewenberg. "Mantan muncul untuk menyalakan kembali gairah."
Orang asing
Sebenarnya, orang asing dalam mimpi Anda adalah diri sendiri. Mimpi ini biasanya muncul saat Anda baru saja melakukan sesuatu yang luar biasa, memerlukan keberanian atau keterbukaan.
Menurut Loewenberg, percintaan dengan orang asing membuktikan bahwa Anda bangga prestasi yang baru diraih. Bila mimpi bercinta dengan seorang selebritas, Anda adalah seorang yang narsistik.
Suami sahabat
Hubungan terlarang ini takkan pernah terjadi di dunia nyata. Alasan sebenarnya di balik mimpi ini adalah suami sahabat memiliki kualitas yang Anda inginkan pada diri pasangan.
"Mungkin orang dalam mimpi penuh perhatian, sementara suami Anda cuek," kata O'Neill. Bila begitu, mulailah mencari cara untuk memberi tahu suami apa yang Anda inginkan, sarannya.
Sesama jenis
Jangan panik, Anda mungkin tidak memiliki penyimpangan seksual, ujar Lowenberg. Bermimpi melakukan hubungan intim sesama jenis menunjukkan kebanggaan memiliki suatu atribut.
Hubungan seks dengan wanita lain sangat umum terjadi di masa kehamilan, saat tubuh berada pada puncak feminitas. Bila mengalaminya, pikirkan kembali apa yang Anda lakukan sehari sebelumnya. Adakah prestasi yang Anda raih yang berhubungan dengan sisi kewanitaan seperti merawat anak hingga kembali sehat?
Pasangan dalam mimpi adalah simbol prestasi ingin yang diraih. "Mimpi merupakan keinginan untuk memiliki kualitas tertentu dalam kehidupan pribadi," kata Loewenberg.
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