Dehydration is a condition of loss of water and electrolytes such as sodium, chloride and potassium, necessary for the body to perform its functions and good for health. As quoted from All Women Stalk, a major cause of dehydration is generally because someone does not drink enough water.
Signs you're out of drinking water is sometimes difficult to distinguish from symptoms of other diseases. But if you feel two or more of the following symptoms, you may be dehydrated.
A. Dry mouthIf your mouth feels dry, you may experience a little dehydrated. But keep in mind also that some drugs also cause dry mouth. So if you experience these signs, it may be just a side effect of medication, rather than the actual dehydration.
2. HeadacheDo you often feel a headache? Maybe this is a sign that you are drinking lots of water. Especially, if the headache combined with great fatigue. So, if you have a headache, try drinking water until the pain in your head is missing.
3. Cloudy urine colorTry to check the color of your urine while urinating. If urine is dark yellow or, even worse, dark brown, it means you are dehydrated. Please be sure to drink more water
4. DizzinessDizziness or vertigo is another sign of your lack of drinking water. Dizziness can also be caused by the effects of drugs or drowsiness, but if you feel dizziness and other symptoms such as pain in the back and shoulders, it's a sign you are dehydrated.
5. HungryHunger is a persistent another sign of your lack of drinking water. Before you commit to it, first try to drink a glass of water. If the hunger subsided, it means you are just thirsty.
6. DrowsinessLethargy and sleepiness can be a sign you are not drinking enough water. This way the body slows down to conserve water. As a recommendation, drinking cold water slowly and see if you come back refreshed.
7. Dry skinIf you are already often use skin moisturizer, but still flaky and dry, maybe it is caused by dehydration. Remember, healthy skin is moist skin.
8. Heart rate increasesRapid heart beat and palpitations is one of the most frightening sign of dehydration. Most adults need between about 2 liters of water or more per day depending on activity, weight and height, and lifestyle.
9. ThirstOf course this is the most logical symptoms of dehydration. Drink when you feel thirsty or have not had sufficient daily water needs. However, if you're already drinking enough water, but still thirsty, it could be a sign of diabetes
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