We know handhone have health effects that interfere with the brain due to waves generated phone. What would happen if the same wavelength about the fetus and the baby is still in growth phase?
A study involving 28 000 respondents aged 7 years to ensure the results of previous studies, namely the relationship between exposure to seluar phone with child behavior problems that arise in the future. As many as 10% of participants gain exposure to the waves on the phone seluar utero and post-natal, 30% of participants use their own phone when it has considerable seluarnya. The rest get exposure in utero or during post-natal course, as well as a control. In the study group of mobile phone use in childhood, exposure to mobile phone usage increased gradually to 17% and 35%.
After watching for several years, found that 3% of children have a fundamental problem behavior. They are exposed to mobile phone waves in the utero and post-natal risk for behavioral problems by 50% at age 7 years. This risk decreases to 40% in number of children exposed in utero period and 20% in children who were exposed during post-natal course.
Because research WHO / International Agency for Research on Cancer found no direct link between cancer and mobile phones, following a study only looked at the effects of cellular phones and thermal wave effect on the brain. It was found that low-frequency waves can cause several disorders that can affect the level of concentration and the level of stress a person.
Researchers at the Danish study concluded that mobile phone use during pregnancy may increase the risk of behavioral problems. This risk is further increased when, in infancy, children use their own cell phone.
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