Jumat, 20 April 2012

Guidelines to avoid germs in cutlery

Pernahkah terpikirkan kebersihan alat makan yang Anda gunakan untuk anggota keluarga? Nah, tips berikut ini bisa menjadi panduan mudah untuk menghindari ancaman kuman pada alat makan Anda yang justru bisa menjadi tempat bersarangnya bakteri.

1. Perhatikan kualitas spons pencuci piring : para ahli mengatakan, spons pencuci piring merupakan penyumbang kuman terbesar yang mengintai alat makan. Untuk itu, pilihlah jenis spons dengan kualitas terbaik.

2. Pilah pengunaan spons : dalam upaya menjaga kebersihan alat makan. Ada baiknya Anda gunakan beberapa spons. Pisahkan spons untuk mencuci alat masak, piring yang kotor penuh lemak, dan juga gelas.

3. Lihat kondisi spons : meski terlihat mampu membantu membersihkan alat makan dalam waktu yang lama, namun sebaiknya spons diganti maksimal dua minggu sekali. Hal itu bukan tanpa alasan, alat pencuci piring yang hanya diganti setelah rusak, hanya akan memindahkan beragam bakteri pada alat makan Anda tanpa disadari.

4. Perhatikan metode penyimpanannya : Setelah mencucinya, Anda berkewajiban untuk menyimpan alat makan dengan cara yang baik dan benar. Pastikan Anda mengeringkannya dengan kain yang bersih terlebih dahulu. Kemudian simpanlah di tempat yang tertutup, sehingga tidak mudah tercemar debu maupun serangga.

5. Jika alat makan sudah lama tidak dipakai, tidak ada salahnya Anda mencucinya terlebih dahulu sebelum digunakan.

Ovarian cancer prone women

The women are called upon constantly vigilant chance of developing ovarian cancer. We recommend more frequent checks to the doctor because these diseases do not show early symptoms.

Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist RSCM Jakarta, Prof Farid Aziz, in handling seminar on female reproductive system cancers, in Medan, said about 80 percent of ovarian cancer cases are found already at an advanced stage entrance.

Ovarian cancer symptoms are not specific, so make women neglect. Though ovarian cancer one of the deadliest cancers for women.

This cancer resemble symptoms of common diseases, including symptoms of the disorders of the digestive system and bladder. When cancer is actually being in the ovary, the patient felt the symptoms will usually be more so.

According to him there are some common symptoms that can be suspected as a symptom of cancer and should be examined to see a doctor, such as bloating or fullness.

"Then the section pelvic pain, frequent vomiting and urination, weight loss, headaches and often feel tired, pain in the abdomen, and pain in the lower back," he said.

While Chairman of the Association of Gynaecological Oncology Indonesia (Hogi), Prof. Andrijono, in the same occasion, said that until now have not found the cause of ovarian cancer.

In general, cancer begins when healthy cells mutate genes that alter normal cells into abnormal cells.

"Cancer cells grow and split continuously and uncontrollably. These cancer cells do not die which then form a tumor. Then invade nearby tissues and spread kejaringan else in the body," he said.

He also expects the need to better understand women's health and care to keep the reproductive organs.

Because women have a reproductive system that is not simple, so it is important to be handled by a medical team that has the scientific field of gynecology

Raskin distribution in Aceh Besar was right on target

BANDA ACEH - Review Center and Institute for Regional Information (PATTIRO) Aceh state, the distribution of rice of the poor (Raskin) in Aceh Besar district is presumed not to exceed the target due to the division of the quota has been set.

Director PATTIRO Teuku Zulyadi in Banda Aceh, said Wednesday in Aceh Besar Raskin division is divided in turns or equally, so the number of recipients exceeds the quota beneficiaries that have been set by the government.

  "That is, the allocation received by the beneficiary households was reduced from the existing quota, because the division Raskin for other recipients," he said.